The theme and status of our current submissions will be updated on our Instagram (@pottedpurple) so be sure to check there. Email or DM us with questions!
Submit your work to the email
Writing submissions can be submitted either in the body of the email or as .docx, .pdf, or Google Drive files
Art can be submitted as .jpg, .png, Google Drive, or .pdf files
By submitting your work, you are giving us permission to publish your work and post on our social media. Of course, all rights revert to you as the author/artist upon publication!
Include the following in your submission email: title(s) of your work(s), your full name, your age, and your state or country
We regularly run features on the latest young artists, businesses, and other creatives! Send us an email ( with an explanation of who you are and what you do, with links to your work (or somehow showing us your music/business/films/etcetera).
We can't guarantee that we will be able to sit down with you - the theme of our current issue might fit better with another artist or we might be at capacity for the issue. However, we'd love to see what you're up to, and can't wait to see what the Potted community is up to!